March 10, 2010


I'm sitting at home, finishing a beer and debating whether or not to grab another. John is diligently playing his new shoot'em up game (as he has been for the last several days). You would think that this would give me ample time to accomplish some of the tasks on my never-ending list of to-do's. However, I'm feeling overwhelmed. Everytime I pick up a task, I set it down within minutes.

What is my problem? I know not. I assume it's the lack of energy (50+ hour work weeks, every week). But competition season looms ever-close. Within weeks we (by we, I mean John) will be driving to St George to attend the first dance-athon of the year. I'm hoping to have everything ready before the long car ride. Most years I am successful at this, some years I am hot glueing rhinestones to gloves or stitching last minute accessories onto solo costumes. And by the way, yes I said 'hot' glue. AC/DC converters are very common.

Where am I going with this? Instead of working on these massive projects, I have been diligently playing on the computer. Looking for dresses, attempting to cut music, playing bejeweled, reading facbook and flitting around as usual.

What I noticed? Where are the blogs? We have become so enthralled with social networking sites (not that I don't like them), that we have nearly completely forgotten about our own words of wisdom. We are blessed in this world with people that have ingenious things to say at the drop of the hat, or withing a few paragraphs at least. Where are they? Sometimes I WANT to hear your story. It may be serious, funny, metephorical, whatever. I like to READ what you have to say. Your 6 word quibs on facebook and twitter are merely tantalizing my tastebuds for more behind that vague and powerful sentence you have chosen to post. Please indulge me. Build a blog, keep it up to date! I would love to follow your everyword, hang on the period at the end of the sentence and drool over the close you have chosen for your well-worded internal essay.