September 26, 2008

Another Day

Shakespear once wrote, "In wine there is truth." I don't remember which play he wrote it in, but the phrase I have remembered since freshman year.
I will admit that I do the occasional binge drinking. Usually with my tailgaiting friends before the Utes Game. I have a grand time! But Shakespear was right.
The insecurities of humanity come out with the induction of alcohol. Even the most "put together" of people can have the worst unseen problems when the wrong alcohol is introduced into the blood stream. However, I have found that I have not had those problems when intoxicated. I don't think that being 'drunk' is an excuse for your actions. You are who you are. I do believe that people should be held accoutabled for their actions whether or not alcohol was a factor. We are human, and therefore prone to social and relational mistakes, but you should be responsible for your actions. Period.

That is all I have on this drunked eve.


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