July 16, 2007

Well, I'm an idiot and can't figure out how to post this pic right side up. Which could be a problem later on.

This is one of the many clock towers in the city. They are everywhere. There really isn't a need for a watch, the buses have clocks (the bus system is awesome by the way). This specific clock tower is significant however. It is right at the intersection of the buildings we use for classes and check-in at the University. It's the only pink one I've seen and the only landmark I knew for the first few days. When I saw this clock I knew to get of the bus, or I had finally stumbled in the right direction.

I can now get anywhere from this clock. Most of the buses run through this section of campus, so it's easy. I did rent a bike today instead. It's a little easier to get around. However the bike is probably older than me. I'll get a pic of that next for sure.


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