August 07, 2007

Thursday, 26. July
We don't really go out so much on weeknights, but apparently this night was special! We went the a Beer Garden called the Forstbaumshule. It's the biggest one in Kiel, with some of the best Dunkel Weissen (dark Hefe). It was pretty cold outside and there was a live band singing really American songs with pretty thick German accents--classic!
How the name "Beer Garden" came about: once a long while ago, beer was stored in Kegs buried in the ground. Why? Breweries were only brewed during certain when hops were available. They would make enough to have all year. Many placed didn't have basements big enough-or basements at all- so they buried their beer. It was easier to tap the beer underground than to dig it up, so people would go outside to drink their beer. The area would many times have some type of garden or vegetation. Thus Beer Garden! This isn't completely accurate, it's the story I was told- in german- on my second day here....there may be some myth and mistranslation!
July 26, 2007

Well we went on a mandatory outing Tuesday. Everywhere we went was totally interesting, but we had three tours in one day. By the time we got to the castle we were all completely exhausted. Which KC and the gang are demonstrating in the picture. We went to a town called Schlewig. The first stop was the Viking museum. The only tough thing about it is that everything is in German. It can be a little frustrating trying to read about a display when you don't have the vocabulary for it. The church above was sweet. The first picture is the view from the top of the bell tower (also shown). I have clips of me descending the spiral staircase. It was dark and a tight spiral. There were so many steps it took 4 separate shots all the way down. click here to see one of them: Not to mention that we all had to stop periodically to regain our balance. The staircase has a serious dizzying effect.
July 23, 2007
July 22, 2007
Today has been a pretty chill day. It's Sunday and it's raining. Sunday's here are worse than at home. Absolutely everything is closed. There are a few restaurants and the gas stations. There isn't even a grocery store open on Sunday's. At least not in Kiel. They say that there are a few open in Hamburg-but it's a long ride for a loaf of bread! Not a big deal however, I have quite a bit of homework to do for tomorrow morning.
July 21, 2007
July 17, 2007
This is the bike I've been riding to and from classes. It's an awesome piece of early 90's technology. At the moment the seat is up as high as possible and my legs are still crunched when I pedal. Most of the people here walk, bus or ride a bike. There are a lot of cars, don't get me wrong... really nice BMW's and Mercedes and what not, but there is very little room to park. In lots of places the cars are on the sidewalk when the street is too narrow. Even the grocery store has only 10 spaces for parkinglot style parking.
The bike ride to school this morning was tough. It's all up hill (inland) to the university. With only 3 gears and a back pedal brake.... you get the idea. 90% of the people i've seen have been in amazing shape. I feel like a blob trying to ride my bike up a small incline. The ride is only about 12 minutes, by the end of the week I plan on being able to make it to class without panting.
Coming back the dorms is easy, all downhill. It's the perfect time to stop for errands. There isn't a gorcery store that carries everything. Nothing like a walmart or target here. Food is at the Aldi, it has a few other things like TP and papertowels. Maybe some dish soap, laundry detergent, and to my surprise, a few office supplie- but not much! There are stores similar to Walgreens, only without the pharmacie. There is another place for that. The pharmacies here are amazing! You walk in and talk to the Pharmacist about your ailments. Right there at the store they prescribe the medicine and sell it. You pay full price in most cases, but skip the price of a doctors visit. They say that pharmacists here know more than the doctors about cures- doctors are for plastic surgery and broken bones.
Labels: My semi new, too small bike.
July 16, 2007
Well, I'm an idiot and can't figure out how to post this pic right side up. Which could be a problem later on.
This is one of the many clock towers in the city. They are everywhere. There really isn't a need for a watch, the buses have clocks (the bus system is awesome by the way). This specific clock tower is significant however. It is right at the intersection of the buildings we use for classes and check-in at the University. It's the only pink one I've seen and the only landmark I knew for the first few days. When I saw this clock I knew to get of the bus, or I had finally stumbled in the right direction.
I can now get anywhere from this clock. Most of the buses run through this section of campus, so it's easy. I did rent a bike today instead. It's a little easier to get around. However the bike is probably older than me. I'll get a pic of that next for sure.

We were told to meet infront of our dorms Sunday morning at 9:30 for an orientation. The bus picked us up, but we were not really ready to spend the whole day touring the city. We saw some beautiful churches and landmarks. I didn't post the pics, I figured they may be good on a regular school day post. We did have a class orientation first thing and then a lunch. After which we headed on a foot tour of the city. About 3:30 -which makes several hours of walking, we got onto a ferry that took us up the ford (not sure how to spell it in english sounds: feeyord) to a beach called Shilksee. Happens to be the same beach we went to the day before- only it was getting cloudy and we weren't dressed for it. The timing was perfect for a nap. The boys: Michael, Tom and Vance dozed while Jennifer and I goofed off with my camera. I haven't been much of a sleeper so far. There's too much to see!